
A word from our president

Welcome to the new Thunder Bay District Fish & Game Association website!

The Fish & Game Association has been around since the 1930s. We purchased the property where we are currently located in 1956 and construction of the first two ranges started in the early 1960s. The next big expansion came in the late ’80s and early ’90s.

Today, we have 10 ranges from 10 yards to 200 yards. Six affiliated pistol clubs, along with the general members, participate in a wide variety of shooting disciplines, or just shoot for the fun of it.

Safety is the most important part of our operation, from the facility being inspected semi-annually to the training requirements for new shooters. The shooting sports are some of the fastest growing and safest of the sports, where you can enjoy serious or friendly competitions or just compete against yourself.

Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in more information about shooting sports.

Our Board

The F&G Executive

President – Doug Johnson
1st Vice President – Erick Bruce
2nd Vice President – Rob Sereda
Treasurer – Don Matthews
Secretary – Sherry Sereda
Membership Coordinator – Cheryl Matthews

Range Operator & Assistant Range Operator
(as of June 2020)

The Board Directorate has appointed an Assistant Range Operator (ARO) to assist the Range Operator (RO) in any absence.

The RO & ARO are responsible to the Board Directorate and ensure that our shooting ranges and facilities are operated correctly in accordance to federal laws and regulations and our approved license. These individuals report directly to the Chief Firearms Officer of the Ontario RCMP.

Range Operator - Larry Ezack
Assistant Range Operator - Barry Ewing

Questions or suggestions?

Email the executive

How To Join


The following outlines membership costs that are current with our organization as of Jan 1, 2020.

Anyone wishing to become a member of the Thunder Bay District Fish And Game Association will qualify for membership by meeting the following requirements:

  1. Must complete the Safety Orientation Session.
  2. Must sign Membership Agreement, Code of Conduct, and Code of Ethics.
  3. Must be approved by the Board of Directors.

All memberships run from January 1 until December 31.

Types of Membership

General Membership - $295

*Including CSSA insurance

An individual must be a member of an affiliated club or a Member-at-Large. Individual club members receive full privileges in the use of outdoor ranges, indoor range, and clubhouse.

All members must sign in at the gate, using their membership number. Individuals will be issued electronic key fobs to the gate, washroom & clubhouse at a nominal cost.

Individuals must be Canadian Shooting Sports Association (CSSA) members, which is included in the annual membership fee.

For use of restricted or prohibited firearms, individuals must be able to show proof of having a Restricted Possession & Acquisition Licence. The individual must also be a member of an affiliate pistol club.

  • Individuals must have a valid Firearms License (PAL or RPAL)
  • General Members are full voting members (18 yrs. of age & over)
  • Eye & ear protection required on range while discharge of firearm is taking place.

Family Membership - $380

Family membership includes $250 for the main member, plus $50 for each additional family member, plus $80 for CSSA insurance. (Please note: total fees may vary depending on circumstances.) All family individuals are required to meet all the provisions listed under the “General Membership”.

Family Membership applies to immediate family only (husband, wife & children living in the same household under 18 years of age).

  • Family members are full voting members unless under the age of 18.

Junior Membership – $50

All individuals between the ages of 12-18 years old can only participate in handling firearms and shoot under the direct supervision of a fully licensed qualified General Member.

Junior Members must follow all safety requirements including wearing of eye and ear protection.

Individuals at least 12 years of age and eligible for a beginner’s firearms license, up to the age of 18.

  • Includes CSSA Insurance Junior Rate ($27 inclusive)
  • At the age of 18, Junior Members are eligible to become a General Members

Associate Membership – $75

Individuals who are police personnel belonging to one of the police agencies that use the outdoor and indoor shooting ranges of the Thunder Bay District Fish & Game Association are eligible to be approved as Associate Members.

Associate Members have use of the facilities in accordance to agreements made through their police agency supervisory management and trainers, in conjunction with management of the Thunder Bay District Fish & Game Association.

Should an individual Associate Member want to use the shooting ranges and facilities at times not within the Police agencies scheduled times, the person can upgrade his/her Association Membership to a General Membership for an additional cost of $75. This charge is for payment of a $45 annual CSSA membership and $30 administration fee.

  • Associate Members do not have voting rights
  • Associate Members are subject to liability insurance and other coverage, as provided for under the Police Act

Guest Policy

All persons entering the Thunder Bay Fish & Game Association property will be known as guests if:

  • They are not a member of the Thunder Bay Fish & Game Association.
  • They are not a member of an affiliate shooting club, or a Member-at-Large.
  • They are not an Associate Member, Honorary Member, (e.g. Police Association, Cadet, or Military, with their own insurance coverage).

Guests are covered by CSSA insurance, under direct supervision of a paid-up member of the organization, and have been given a briefing on the safety rules and governing policies of the organization.

These costs are recovered, as well as any administration expenses, by charging $5 per guest, per day. Guest fees will be deposited into the drop box located at the main gate.

Note: All guests must sign in on the sign in sheets in the Gate Logbook.


Spectators are defined as those representing media, government officials, or any other groups or individuals that are required to, or wish to, visit the property for education, awareness, and other promotion.

Spectators will receive a briefing on range safety rules from the Range Officer in charge.

  • There are no fees charged
  • Safety Orientation Sessions are not required

Honorary Membership

Provisions are made to allow for Cadets or other similar groups of individuals who request use of the property or facilities under direct supervision of an assigned adult individual(s) or member(s) of the organization.

Each individual must have general liability insurance coverage provided through the Department of National Defense (for Cadets) or a similar provider.

Honorary Members or approved users must receive a Safety Orientation Session given by the Range Operator or Assistant Range Operator.

All groups must have signed agreements with the organization outlining the terms and conditions of approved use of the property and shooting range facilities.

  • There are no costs for Honorary Membership or Group Users
  • Honorary Membership & Group Users do not have voting rights

Affiliated Clubs

Dawson Trail Handgunners

The Dawson Trail Handgunners is a Shooting Federation of Canada (SFC) affiliated pistol club with its roots in the sport of ISSF Bullseye target pistol (Olympic Style). Over the years we have grown to be more of a “social shooting club” but return to our roots for our matches. The club meets Tuesdays at 6 p.m.

For more information contact: dawsontrail@thunderbayfishandgame.com

Front-Line Shooter’s Club

For members who just want to shoot for fun or to be more proficient in their shooting skills. Members must be currently working, or have worked or volunteered, in a front-line capacity but not limited to: LEO, Fire, EMS CBSA or Armed Forces (proof of occupation required during the application process). Shoots Wednesday evenings from 18:00 to 21:00.

For more information contact: frontlineshooters@gmail.com

Phoenix Pistol Club

All disciplines of shooting to have fun, from pistol to black rifles. Members shoot on Saturdays on Range 8. For more information please contact Monty Setala or Darrell Bray at phoenixpc@tbaytel.net

Note: Not taking new members at this time.

Superior Pistol

50-yard bulls-eye club. For membership information come to the range on Sunday at 5 p.m. or contact Naji Mouyaner at najigm@tbaytel.net

Note: Not taking new members at this time.

Hits and Mrs Gun Club

20-yard handgun bulls-eye club. Shoots Monday nights for fun. Contact Doug Johnson at johnsond316@shaw.ca for more information or visit the range Mondays at 5 p.m. and speak to members.

Thunder Bay Benchrest Club

Meets and shoots Tuesday & Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings.

For more information contact Lorenzo Serravalle at lserravelle@tbaytel.net

International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC)

Timed shooting with various stages. Matches held on the second Saturday of each month from May to October.

For more information contact Rob Sereda at shotokanrob7@live.com.

Thunder Bay IDPA League

Thunder Bay IDPA League provides a safe and enjoyable Action Shooting Sport to its members. IDPA is the use of practical equipment including full charge service ammunition to solve simulated real-world self-defence scenarios using practical handguns and holsters that are suitable for self-defence use. The main goal is to test the skill and ability of an individual.

For more information contact: info@idpa-tbay.com

Cowboy Action

Old West style shooting with single action pistol, rifle and shotgun. Matches held on the third Sunday of each month from May to October at 10 a.m.

For more information visit the range and talk to members.

Lake Superior Biathlon

A local sports organization that promotes healthy and active lifestyle through the sport of biathlon, an Olympic sport combining the endurance of cross-country skiing and the precision of marksmanship shooting. Training sessions are Fridays and Sundays throughout the year for recreational and competitive programs. New members welcome.

For registration and other information visit www.lakesuperiorbiathlon.com or email info@lakesuperiorbiathlon.com

New Ontario Shooters Association

Rifle shooting for Junior Shooters on Wednesday evenings and rifle and pistol for Adult Shooters on Friday evenings.

For more information visit www.nosa-newontarioshooters.org

Other Shooting Clubs & Resources

To join a Pistol Club you must have your RPAL license and complete the requirements of each Club.

Thunder Bay Trap and Skeet Club

JR’s Shooting Range

D&R Sporting Goods

New Ontario Shooters Association (NOSA)